Mosquito-Repelling Plants for a Bite-Free Yard

If you want to keep mosquitoes away from your outdoor space, consider adding mosquito-repelling plants. These plants have natural properties that bugs don’t like. By putting these plants in your yard, you can enjoy being outside without getting bitten.

It’s like having a natural bug repellent that also adds greenery and nice smells to your garden. So, if you’re tired of dealing with annoying mosquitoes, try using these plants to create a bug-free zone outdoors.

Key Takeaways

  • Lavender, marigold, citronella grass, catmint, and sage are all plants that naturally repel mosquitoes.
  • Lavender has a strong smell that mosquitoes don’t like.
  • Marigold thrives in sunny areas and keeps mosquitoes and other pests away.
  • Citronella grass, when planted in sunny spots, grows as an annual plant and effectively repels mosquitoes.
  • Catmint confuses mosquitoes better than DEET and blooms from early summer to fall.
  • Sage naturally repels mosquitoes and adds flavor to outdoor spaces.


If you want to keep mosquitoes away naturally, plant lavender in your garden. Lavender has a strong smell that mosquitoes don’t like, so it acts as a repellent. The fragrant oils in lavender make it hard for mosquitoes to find you.

Make sure to plant lavender in soil that drains well and gets lots of sunlight. Lavender is a tough plant that can survive in warm climates and lasts a long time. It’s a perennial plant that keeps mosquitoes away consistently.

Lavender works well in zones 5–11, and it adds a nice smell to your garden too.


Planting marigolds in your garden can keep mosquitoes away and add a splash of color. These easy-to-grow annual flowers have a strong smell that naturally repels mosquitoes. Marigolds also help deter aphids, thrips, and beetles, making them great for borders and vegetable gardens. Blooming from late spring to frost, marigolds offer long-lasting mosquito protection, so you can enjoy your outdoor activities in peace.

Marigolds thrive in sunny areas and not only serve a practical purpose but also enhance the beauty of your outdoor space. By planting these colorful flowers strategically, you can create a mosquito-free environment and brighten up your yard. Consider placing marigolds in key areas to maximize their mosquito-repelling benefits and improve the aesthetics of your outdoor living area.

Citronella Grass

To grow citronella grass successfully, pick a sunny area with well-draining soil.

Water it regularly, especially during dry periods, to keep it healthy.

Following these steps will help maximize its mosquito-repelling abilities in your outdoor area.

Planting Citronella Grass

Citronella grass is a natural mosquito repellent plant. It has a strong scent that masks human odor and keeps mosquitoes away. When you touch the leaves, they release oils that repel mosquitoes.

Citronella grass is best grown in large planters and works well as a living plant. It’s easy to take care of and grows as an annual in zones 9–11. Planting citronella grass in your yard can help create a mosquito-free outdoor space with a pleasant fragrance.

Care Tips for Citronella

To keep your citronella grass thriving and effectively repelling mosquitoes, you need to follow these care tips:

  • Watering: Make sure to water your citronella grass 1-2 times a week to keep the soil consistently moist, especially in hot and dry periods.
  • Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season to help your citronella grass stay healthy.
  • Pruning: Trim back any dead or damaged leaves as needed to encourage new growth and improve air circulation around the plant.


Catmint is a plant that’s better at keeping mosquitoes away than DEET. It confuses and repels mosquitoes with its strong smell, making it great for keeping your yard bug-free. Catmint works well in zones 3–8 and blooms from early summer to fall, giving you protection for a long time.

You can crush the leaves to release more oils and make them even more effective at keeping mosquitoes away. By planting catmint in your yard, you can enjoy being outside without getting bitten by pesky mosquitoes.


Rosemary is great for keeping mosquitoes away because of its woody scent. You can enhance its bug-repelling power by brushing the leaves to release the oils.

Apart from keeping bugs at bay, you can use rosemary in cooking to add flavor to your dishes or as a decorative plant in your garden. It thrives in hot and dry climates and is suitable for USDA zones 7–10, making it a good choice for many regions.


Basil plants emit a strong smell that keeps mosquitoes away. They’re natural mosquito repellents for your garden. There are different types of basil you can plant to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Basil plants need moist soil and sunlight to grow well. In zones 10–11, basil is grown as an annual plant, blooming from summer to frost. Planting basil around water features can help prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Citronella Geranium

To make Citronella Geraniums work best against mosquitoes, you need to plant and take care of them properly.

They like sunlight and need regular watering to stay healthy and smell good.

Planting and Care

To keep your Citronella Geraniums healthy, remember these key care tips:

  1. Give them lots of sunlight.
  2. Trim them regularly to boost their mosquito-repelling oils.
  3. Plant them in well-draining soil to prevent root rot.

Effectiveness and Benefits

Citronella Geraniums are great at keeping mosquitoes away because of their strong citronella scent. This scent acts as a natural mosquito repellant, so you can enjoy your outdoor space without getting bitten.

By planting Citronella Geraniums strategically around your yard, you can control mosquitoes effectively and make your surroundings more pleasant. These plants are also used in candles, torches, and essential oils to add extra protection against mosquitoes.

Embrace the benefits of Citronella Geraniums to naturally keep mosquitoes at bay and have a bite-free yard.

Bee Balm

Bee Balm is a plant that repels mosquitoes naturally because of its oils. It also attracts bees and butterflies with its colorful flowers. You can crush the leaves to keep mosquitoes away in your yard.

Bee Balm is easy to take care of, needing well-drained soil and sunlight. It blooms from mid- to late-summer and is great for zones 4–8. It’s a low-maintenance plant that adds beauty and functionality to your garden.


Mint is a plant that smells strong and minty. It grows fast and is safe to use to keep mosquitoes away. Mint is an herb that comes back every year and is good for areas in zones 3–8. You can plant mint in pots to easily have it around to repel mosquitoes in your outdoor spaces. The smell of mint isn’t liked by mosquitoes, so they stay away.

Mint isn’t just good for keeping mosquitoes away; you can also use it for cooking. It grows quickly, so you can enjoy it soon after planting. Try putting mint in different spots outside to keep mosquitoes away and make your surroundings smell nice. Whether you’re hanging out on your porch or having a meal outside, having mint around can make your time outside more enjoyable.

Floss Flower

When planting Floss Flower in your garden, remember that it blooms continuously from planting until the first frost and has mosquito-repelling properties.

However, be cautious, as it can be toxic if eaten, so keep it away from pets and kids.

Plant Characteristics

Floss Flower, also known as Ageratum, is a plant that contains coumarin, a natural compound effective in repelling mosquitoes.

  • Ageratum is an annual flower that blooms all season, providing lasting protection against mosquitoes.
  • Ageratum is safe for gardens but can be toxic if eaten by pets or people.
  • Crushing the leaves of Ageratum releases more oils, making it even better at keeping mosquitoes away in outdoor areas.

Growing Tips

Plant Floss Flowers in well-draining soil with sunlight to help them grow and repel mosquitoes. Ageratum, or Floss Flower, has coumarin, a natural mosquito repellent. It blooms from planting to frost, making it a great yard addition.

Remember, Ageratum is toxic if eaten by pets or humans, so be careful. Squish the leaves to release more oils for better mosquito protection. For best results, give Floss Flowers sunlight and good drainage.

Follow these tips for a beautiful, mosquito-free outdoor area.

Maintenance Requirements

To make your Floss Flower plant grow better and repel mosquitoes effectively, you should do the following:

  • Remove old flowers.
  • Trim the plant regularly.
  • Don’t water too much.


Sage is a plant that naturally keeps mosquitoes away from your yard. It has a nice smell and is good for zones 5-8. You can crush the leaves to make them even more effective at repelling mosquitoes.

Sage can also be used in cooking to add flavor to your food. So, by having sage in your yard, you can enjoy the outdoors without pesky mosquitoes bothering you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Plants Can I Put in My Yard to Keep Mosquitoes Away?

Plant citronella, lavender, marigolds, peppermint, and rosemary in your yard to keep mosquitoes away. These plants give off scents that mosquitoes don’t like, making your yard a mosquito-free zone. You can also enhance their effectiveness by planting them together and using DIY solutions for extra protection.

What Is the Number One Plant to Repel Mosquitoes?

Citronella is the best choice for keeping mosquitoes away. Its strong, lemony smell hides the scent of humans well. Plant it in your yard for the best results. Citronella grows well in zones 9–11 and doesn’t need much maintenance.

What Is the Best Natural Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard?

To keep mosquitoes away from your yard, use natural mosquito repellents like essential oils, citronella candles, and mosquito-repelling plants such as citronella, lavender, marigold, peppermint, and rosemary. These will help you enjoy your outdoor space without those annoying bugs bothering you.

What Is the Most Effective Plant-Based Mosquito Repellent?

To make a plant-based mosquito repellent, use essential oils like citrella, lemon grass, lavender, rosemary, or marigolds. These oils are natural and safe for your yard and can help keep mosquitoes away.


You can keep mosquitoes away from your yard by planting lavender, marigold, and rosemary plants. These plants naturally repel mosquitoes with their strong scents.

Plant them in sunny areas, crush their leaves for the best effect, and enjoy a bite-free outdoor space all summer long!

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