How to Remove Chimney Sweep Birds

If you have chimney sweep birds in your chimney, the best way to remove them safely is by following these steps:

  1. Block off the chimney to prevent the birds from entering or exiting.
  2. Contact a professional chimney sweep to safely remove the birds.
  3. Once the birds are removed, install a chimney cap to prevent future nesting.

By taking these steps, you can effectively and humanely address the issue of chimney sweep birds in your chimney.

Understanding Chimney Sweep Birds

Chimney sweep birds are often confused with chimney swifts, which are protected migratory birds nesting in chimneys. Chimney swifts are small, cigar-shaped birds that migrate north to the eastern US and Canada each spring.

It’s illegal to remove their nests due to their protected status under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Homeowners should wait for the nestlings to leave naturally, as removing the nest is prohibited.

To prevent chimney swifts from nesting in your chimney, installing chimney caps can help. Understanding these birds’ habits and protections is important for living alongside them peacefully.

Identifying Chimney Sweep Nests

To find chimney swift nests, look for small cup-shaped structures on the chimney walls. These nests are usually near the top of the chimney and are made of twigs, sticks, and saliva. You might also see grayish-brown eggs and hatchlings with wide mouths inside the nest.

Removing these nests can be tricky because they’re firmly attached to the chimney walls. Keep an eye out for these nests early on so you can deal with them safely after the birds have left.

Risks of Chimney Sweep Bird Infestation

Chimney sweep birds can cause problems like poor airflow, smoky rooms, diseases, and fires. When these birds make nests in your chimney, it can make it harder for smoke to escape, making it smoky indoors. They can spread diseases like histoplasmosis and bring in pests like fleas and ticks.

Dealing with their presence can be a hassle, and the noise they make can be annoying. If left unchecked, chimney clogs from these birds can increase the risk of fires. It’s important to act quickly to get rid of chimney sweep birds to avoid these issues and keep your home safe and comfortable.

Legal Considerations for Removal

Chimney swifts are protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which means it’s illegal to disturb or remove them without permission. Remember:

  • Don’t mess with chimney swifts or their nests, eggs, or babies.
  • Wait for the nestlings to leave on their own before doing anything.
  • After they’re gone, take steps to prevent them from coming back.

Safe Methods to Remove Chimney Sweep Birds

When removing chimney swifts from your chimney, remember that these birds are protected by law. Let the baby birds leave on their own in about six weeks.

Don’t touch the nest or harm the birds. After they leave, put a chimney cap to stop them from coming back.

Professional Removal Services are available.

To safely remove chimney swifts, hire wildlife control experts. They know how to remove birds without hurting them and follow the law.

They use humane methods and can also prevent future bird invasions. It’s important to hire professionals to do the job right and protect the birds.

Preventing Future Chimney Sweep Bird Invasions

To stop chimney sweep birds from getting into your chimney, make sure to have a chimney cap installed correctly and maintained. Chimney caps act as barriers that keep birds out. Check the cap regularly for any damage or openings that birds could use to get in.

It’s best to have a professional remove any nests and fix or replace the cap if necessary. Since these birds might come back to the same spot each year, it’s important to keep up with prevention measures.

Importance of Chimney Maintenance

Chimney maintenance is important to keep birds like chimney swifts from nesting and causing damage. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Regular maintenance stops swifts from nesting in your chimney.
  • Taking care of your chimney prevents structural damage from nesting birds.
  • Quickly fixing any damage can help prevent swifts from coming back.
  • Chimney caps are crucial for keeping swifts out of your chimney.

DIY Chimney Sweep Bird Removal Tips

If you have chimney swifts nesting in your chimney, it’s important to be careful. These birds are protected by law, so you can’t disturb or remove them. Trying to remove them yourself can hurt the birds and get you in trouble with the law.

Chimney swifts usually nest for about six weeks in the spring and summer when you’re not using your fireplace. It’s best to let them leave on their own before doing anything to stop them from coming back.

To make sure the birds are safe and follow the rules, it’s best to call professionals for help. They know how to handle the situation without harming the birds. By getting help from experts, you can deal with the nesting issue without breaking any laws that protect these birds.

Monitoring Chimney Swift Activity

If you think chimney swifts are nesting in your chimney, here’s what you can do to monitor them:

  • Listen for their high-pitched chirping sounds.
  • Watch how they fly around your chimney in a zigzag pattern.
  • Look for twigs, feathers, and other nesting materials near your chimney.
  • Take note of when they’re most active, usually returning at dusk.

Seeking Help for Persistent Infestations

If you have a lot of chimney swifts in your chimney, it’s best to get help from experts. They know how to remove the birds safely and legally. Wildlife authorities or pest control professionals are the ones to call for help. They’ve got the right tools and knowledge to get rid of the swifts without hurting them. These experts can come up with a plan that works and is kind to the birds. It’s important to follow the rules that protect chimney swifts when dealing with infestations.

Getting professional help is the smart thing to do for stubborn infestations. These experts can check the situation and make a plan that fits your needs. Trying to remove the birds on your own mightn’t work and could harm them. Trust the professionals to handle the problem the right way and follow the laws that keep chimney swifts safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Get Rid of Chimney Sweep Birds?

To get rid of chimney sweep birds, wait for nestlings to leave naturally in about six weeks. It’s illegal to remove them or nests. Avoid touching birds; ask wildlife authorities for help if needed. Use a chimney cap to stop future invasions.

What Is the Best Way to Get Birds Out of Your Chimney?

If you have birds in your chimney, wait for them to leave on their own. It’s illegal to remove chimney swifts, so be patient. They usually fly out within six weeks. Don’t try to scare them out with a fire.

How Long Do Chimney Swifts Stay in Your Chimney?

Chimney swifts usually stay in your chimney for around six weeks while they nest, starting in the spring and lasting through the summer. Once the young birds have learned to fly, they fly south for the winter.

How to Prevent Chimney Swifts?

To keep chimney swifts away, have your chimney checked regularly, fix any problems, and add protective barriers. Swifts come back each year to nest, so act quickly. Get help from experts to remove them and secure your chimney to stop them from nesting again.


Chimney sweep birds like chimney swifts can cause problems for your chimney and house if not dealt with. These birds are great at eating bugs. Did you know one chimney swift can chow down on 12,000 insects in a day? They help keep bug populations in check.

To keep your chimney bird-free and working well, use safe removal methods and maintain it properly. Stay on top of things to protect your home!

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