Chimney Repairs in Winter: Tips for Safe and Effective Maintenance

Your chimney will need repairs from time to time due to age and normal wear and tear. It should also have an annual chimney inspection to determine if any repairs are necessary so a certified chimney technician can fix them before the winter season. According to masonry experts, the best time for chimney repairs is during the spring and fall. The weather is typically warmer, and dryer and most fireplaces are dormant. The cold and wet months of winter can be destructive for chimneys, which is why repairs should be completed before or after the winter season.

Winter Chimney Repairs

However, it is sometimes necessary for masonry repairs to be done during the winter, such as fixing a water leak, replacing a broken chimney cap, or repairing a stuck damper, among others. The constant freezing at night and thawing during the day common along the Atlantic Coast during the winter months can cause masonry chimneys to crack, leaving gaps in the mortar joints, increasing the risk of water damage. Tuckpointing and repointing can be done in the winter to repair brick and mortar damage if conditions are dry so that the new mortar material will properly set and cure. Any chimney damage that involves moisture intrusion must be repaired as quickly as possible to protect the chimney’s structural integrity and to minimize fire and health risks.

The answer is, yes, it is possible. However, winter chimney repairs are only recommended in emergency situations. The cost is higher, and the masonry work is …

Chimney Fires

Over 25,000 chimney fires nationwide annually result in more than $100 million in property damage. The majority of chimney fires occur during the winter, with excessive creosote build-up cited as the primary cause. Many homeowners are also unaware that a fire occurred in the chimney until a Chimney Sweep points out the damage during a chimney inspection or cleaning. A chimney fire can damage the flue liner increasing the risk of the high temperatures in the fireplace spreading to nearby combustible building materials. Along with fire departments here in Maryland and across the country, we can’t stress enough the importance of cleaning your chimney at least once a year.

Making chimney masonry repairs in wintry weather was once completely unheard of, but times have changed. Thanks to the progress made in creating masonry materials that can withstand temperatures below the former threshold of 40oF, emergency chimney masonry repairs can be made in winter. The ideal time for masonry repairs is during the warmest months of summer. So, though chimney masonry repairs in winter are doable, they produce less durable results and should be avoided.

How Winter Masonry Repairs Can Work

Formerly, the biggest roadblocks to making chimney masonry repairs in winter were the materials used for the job. Until recent advances in masonry products, masonry repairs would not set if temperatures were below about 40oF. In spite of frigid temperatures, new masonry materials can effectively be used for chimney masonry repair. The process involves the use of tarps and heaters, as chimney sweeps perform the work while battling moisture and cold temperatures. The bricks need to be warm enough that curing of the building materials is possible.

The Optimal Time for Masonry Repair

Chimney masonry materials cure best in the summer months. Chimney sweeps recommend that customers schedule their annual chimney inspections in spring so that any repairs that need to be made can be done during warm weather. Interestingly, homeowners with chimneys have something in common—namely, putting off chimney maintenance until the cold weather is practically upon them. Qualified chimney sweeps are typically booked almost solid from fall through winter because of this tendency to put off chimney care. Meanwhile, the other seasons are ideal for scheduling repairs and maintenance at times convenient to you and optimal for producing best results.

Chimneys are highly vulnerable to damage. Homeowners who plan ahead in order to deal with potential problems that may be discovered during a chimney inspection get the benefit of more durable results when chimney masonry repairs are performed in summer.

Masonry Emergencies that Should Not be Delayed

There are many times when chimney sweep experts recommend that masonry repairs be performed in winter because of the seriousness of the existing damage. If a chimney is cracked, for instance, rain, sleet, and snow can cause water to infiltrate the exposed masonry. Water in the masonry system is a disaster.

Every brick containing moisture needs to be removed and replaced. Otherwise, the moisture inside the brick will expand and contract during freezing and thawing cycles in winter. The movement of the water destroys the brick and starts a process of destruction that cannot be reversed. If needed repairs are neglected, the chimney will begin to lean and could eventually collapse, creating even more needed repairs.

A cracked chimney can also result in roof damage as well as damage to the home interior. Water stains may appear on the walls and ceilings near the fireplace.

When repairs are needed in winter for your chimney, contact your trusted chimney sweep experts such as the CSIA-certified chimney technicians at Chimney Saver Solutions. With their training, expertise, and experience, you can count on winter chimney repairs that deliver the best possible outcome.

Using the Fireplace in Winter

Homeowners that are fortunate enough to have a fireplace will testify to how important it is having one during the cold months of the year where the house could use a little extra boost. It is difficult to recapture the feeling of a natural wood fireplace, or even a natural gas fireplace to help reduce home energy costs.

What happens though when you go to get the fireplace ready for the winter? You schedule an inspection of the chimney only to find out it needs work before it can get cleared for use. Can chimneys get repaired in the winter?

Best Time to Repair Chimneys

The truth is most masonry repairs take place during the warmer months of the year for a reason. The warmer weather allows materials to cure properly. Summer repairs are also more beneficial as skilled repairmen can remedy places where moisture has gone through its freeze/thaw cycle and revealed exposed areas. The same cannot be said of the winter months.

As a result, it is a good idea to get ahead of the game when it comes to chimney repairs. Unfortunately, too many homeowners wait until the late-fall to get their fireplaces inspected. By then it is close to being too late to get the masonry repaired correctly before the weather gets too chilly.

While it’s not impossible to make chimney repairs in the winter it isn’t recommended if you want the best job done. Therefore, you can buy yourself more time by having the chimney inspected in the early spring, or shortly after you are done using the fireplace for the year.

It will buy you months of time to save up and make the necessary repairs before it’s time to use the chimney once again in the fall or winter.

Masonry Chimneys & Cold Weather

It isn’t common to receive a list of recommended repairs from a chimney professional before the unit is determined safe to operate for you and your family.

It is traditionally recommended that homeowners avoid making repairs to the chimney in the fall and winter because the conditions are not ideal. Masonry chimneys are known to deteriorate due to water damage and wind. Furthermore, some are inherited from the previous homeowner either from poor construction or lack of maintenance.

Chimneys that are repaired during warmer months have more ideal weather conditions to allow the materials to cure properly. It also correctly addresses water issues. Chimneys that absorb moisture must pass through the freeze and thaw cycle to reveal major problems. In the winter, it’s difficult to diagnose these repairs since most of the masonry is still frozen.

If your home is revealing water damage like leaks around the chimney, ceiling, or attic you should get them fixed in the summer for the best rate of success. Furthermore, chimney repairs are sometimes done in conjunction with roof repairs. Once again, the summer months are the best time to fix a poor roof.


Roofing & Chimney Repairs

As previously mentioned, it isn’t common to have to make roofing repairs at the same time as chimney repairs in order to fully address water damage issues.

If you ask the experts, most recommend not only doing both types of repair at the same time and during the warm months of the year, but also in a certain order. Experts recommend making chimney repairs first, roofing repairs second. Why? Repairmen will put a lot of traffic and potential wear on a roof while making chimney repairs. You might as well get the roof repaired after the foot traffic is reduced.

When you gather quotes for chimney repairs consult the report given at the inspection. It may mention things like if the masonry surrounding the chimney needs to be waterproofed, flashing needs to be replaced, the crown repair is recommended, or chimney crickets need to be established.

All of these chimney repair services are recommended during warm weather. The same is true of major chimney repairs like completely rebuilding the chimney or relining it. If you wait too late you may have to go through a winter without being able to use your fireplace. As a result, try not to procrastinate once repairs are advised.

Chimney Repairs in the Summer

Even though it’s recommended that most chimney repairs take place in the summer very few homeowners follow this golden rule. Unfortunately, they wait until late-fall to get the fireplace inspected. By then, it’s nearly too late to schedule and make necessary repairs before the weather gets too extreme. It basically forces you to have to go an entire winter without using the unit.

In order to avoid the dilemma, we recommend getting started on the inspection in the early spring. In fact, it could save you money!

Get Chimney Repair Early

It pays to get ahead of the ball. Don’t get bombarded by last-second repairs to your chimney when it’s not advised to make repairs during the winter. It is more expensive, a hassle, and the repairs are less likely to get completed correctly.

Instead, get your fireplace inspection done early and conduct chimney repairs in the summer in order to keep your home safe from fire hazards, carbon monoxide exposure, and pest infestations.

Most homeowners in the Midwest go with Vertical Chimney Care for chimney maintenance and repairs. To improve the functionality of your chimney, it’s also best to go with chimney cleaning for at least once a year. Contact us today to speak with a product specialist!

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